Avenida de la Trinidad, 61
Apartado Postal 456
38200, San Cristóbal de La Laguna
Santa Cruz de Tenerife - España
Teléfono: (+34) 922 31 92 00
Whatsapp: (+34) 922 31 92 00
Correo electrónico: info@fg.ull.es
Solicitar cita previaviernes 07 de octubre de 2011 - 16:24 CEST
The Servicio de Idiomas of the University of La Laguna is offering new Spanish courses.
The Servicio de Idiomas of the University of La Laguna is offering new Spanish courses which combine face-to-face classes (30 hours with a teacher in a classroom with other students), with online classes (60 hours of individual and independent work).
The online course is designed by the Instituto Cervantes, it is called AVE (Aula Virtual de Español) and is a teaching program that offers courses to learn Spanish by Internet. For more information consult the web page http://ave.cervantes.es/
The face-to-face sessions will be held between the 17th of October and 15th December 2011, in different groups and timetables, according to level.
Course Fees:
If you are interested in doing the course, you should do a level test (arrange an appointment).
More information from the secretaría of the FEULL 922 31 92 00 – secretaria@feu.ull.es and here .
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